Announcing the development of OLPC OS 11.3.1

Manuel Quiñones manuq at
Mon Nov 7 07:48:15 EST 2011

2011/11/7 Simon Schampijer <simon at>:
> On 11/04/2011 09:45 PM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
>> Martin,
>> In 11.3.0 a few activities didn't include translations because of problems
>> with packaging of the activities.
>> Probably will be a good idea update these activities.
>> I can prepare a list of recommended activities if you want.
>> Gonzalo
> Are those really critical items?  I would only do the really really must do
> changes besides any 1.75 bug fixes. Because (a) this release should be only
> about bug fixes in my opinion and (b) preparing/testing/shipping this takes
> time away from our new dev cycle.

The case is that there are some activities, like Image Viewer and
Terminal, which translations did not reach the builds because of a
package building problem.

I think it is critical because there are some of the main activities,
completly untranslated.  There is a bug report:

.. manuq ..

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