The project i plan to develop : drawing recorder

laurent bernabe laurent.bernabe at
Sun May 8 14:03:31 EDT 2011

Dear Madam or Sir,

I managed to realize a quite simple program but fun in Java, and i plan to
port it to OLPC.
The project is Drawing Recorder :

   - you have 2 mode ; recording what you are drawing on the greenBoard
   (with the chalk size you want), or you can read it (with the speed you want)
   - when choosing a mode, you are asked for your configuration (size of the
   chalk for recording mode or delays in reading mode)

I would like your advices :

   - I think such a program can be extended to serialize/unserialize videos
   of alphabet caracters drawing, so that children can learn to write on a
   particular language. And also give some predefined language set
   - Do you think such a project could have interest for children ?

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