11.2.0 development build 5 released

Daniel Drake dsd at laptop.org
Fri Jan 21 08:25:14 EST 2011



Some bugs fixed:
#10330 	F14: revive PolicyKit-olpc
#10467 	serial console getty unusable after S/R
#10482 	XO-1 serial console messed up after resume
#10615 	Add libxml2-python to F14 image
#10502 	batti shows hibernate option even though system can't hibernate

Also, the "Create a keyring" dialog has gone.

Known issues:
Several activities temporarily dropped due to activities.sugarlabs.org
saying that they aren't compatible with Sugar-0.90 (#10619)

XO-1.5 screen size is larger than the screen, it scrolls around with
the mouse (#10606)
Workaround: remove "Virtual" line from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/xo1.5.conf
and reboot
Or run at terminal every time: xrandr -s 1200x900


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