Query regarding error message

Ajay Garg ajaygargnsit at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 12:14:03 EST 2011

Hi all.

I am trying to update an activity, via "olpc-update-control" rpm, on a

Towards the end, I get these logs ::

1324746237.423585 DEBUG root: STARTUP: Adding bundle
1324746237.426864 DEBUG root: Upgrade vu.lux.olpc.Maze
Error setting OHM inhibit: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:
The name org.freedesktop.ohm was not provided by any .service files

After the "error log", nothing more happens.

I need to complete the following ticket (on "olpc-update-control"):

Is there anything I am missing, that may fix this issue?

Looking forward to a reply.


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