WebM format for Record

Jon Nettleton jon.nettleton at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 09:04:54 EDT 2011

Hey Guys,

I was hoping to get more work done on this but haven't had the chance
to work on it any further.  This patch switches Record to use the WebM
video format as specified by google.  It should work on our F14
builds.  The videos will playback in Record, but you will have to
patch your mimetypes files to add support to other programs.  In
particular you should add video/webm to the
/usr/share/sugar/data/mime.defaults file.

I do know that one thing that needs to be fixed is the preview image
shown while the recording is being encoded is displayed in greyscale
instead of color.  Other than that I am quite happy with the recording
quality.  You will still notice an audio hiccup at  between 14 and 20
seconds of the start of the recording.  This is where we would
previously lose audio sync.  With this patch the sync re-adjusts
itself but leaves a small hiccup in the audio track.

Hope this is useful to someone.

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