
Hellânio Costa hellanio at virtual.ufc.br
Fri Sep 24 08:01:25 EDT 2010

Hi everybody,

I'm having a problem when working with them olpc-builder, because it returns
the following error:

os19: 71283/131072 files (0.9% non-contiguous), 386289/524288 blocks
 * Running part mountfs base mountfs.50.mount.sh...
Mounting intermediate filesystem image...
 * Running part preimage base preimage.90.core.sh...
Normalize file times...
touch: configurando horário de "/var/tmp/olpc-os-builder/mnt-fs/dev/fd":
Permissão negada
Compiling python bytecode...
 * Caught error, cleanup and then bail out.
 * Running part cleanup base cleanup.50.cleanup.sh...
 * Running part cleanup buildnr_from_file cleanup.50.write_buildnr.sh...
ERROR: Failure in PreImageStage: module base, part preimage.90.core.sh,
error code 1

can you help me?

Instituto UFC - Virtual
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