Initial F14 developers-only release for XO and XO-1.5

pbrobinson at pbrobinson at
Mon Sep 6 06:49:37 EDT 2010

On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Bernie Innocenti <bernie at> wrote:
> El Sun, 05-09-2010 a las 00:53 +0100, pbrobinson at escribió:
>> Well I am for SoaS related things which while isn't XO hardware
>> related it does affect everything further up the stack.... does that
>> not count :-(
> Such parallel efforts are indeed mutually beneficial.
> Dextrose also enjoyed the pioneering packaging and testing effort
> carried on on 0.88 by the SoaS folks, plus the platform stabilization
> work done by dsd, pgf and cjb.
> Isn't this the normal thing in FLOSS development?
>> No point as its directly Fedora related but if people could add
>> positive karma to this it would be fixed quicker, else in about 4-5
>> days it will head to F-14 stable.
> Done, but I'm afraid I had to give it negative karma:

Looking at the upstream GIT of evince it looks like this is another of
the apis that have been deprecated upstream and Read needs to be
updated to fix the issue


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