Can't find shared library libusb

Emiliano Pastorino epastorino at
Fri Oct 15 15:24:30 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use libusb, but I'm getting this behaviour in python:

>> from ctypes.util import find_library
>> find_library('usb')
(returned None)

The strange thing is that in another XO, same build (802), it does find the

>> from ctypes.util import find_library
>> find_library('usb')
>> 'libusb-0.1-so.4'

Both XO have this file in /usr/lib, but the first one won't find it.
Nevertheless, it finds other libraries under /usr/lib.

I've checked /etc/ and it's the same for both XO.

I'm using the same version of libusb and libusb-devel, and they were
installed with yum.

Any tips?
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