[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] touchpad section for Sugar Control Panel

Paul Fox pgf at laptop.org
Tue May 18 18:31:25 EDT 2010

martin wrote:
 > On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com> wrote:
 > > I've attached two patches: (1) a new touchpad section for the control
 > > panel and (2) new icons for sugar-artwork used by the control panel.
 > Bravo! -- any chances can you add a slider control for acceleration?
 > We're shipping hardcoded values -- being able to change them can help
 > a lot in deployments.

are we sure that adjusting acceleration is as important with an
f11 release?  i have the impression that the default algorithm is
quite a bit better than the old one, and doesn't need the
adjustment as much.  i confess i haven't used a recent XO-1
release extensively, but i'd rather not see us add controls where
none is needed.

anyway, according to a recent xset man page, values of $N between
30 and 40 in "xset m $N/20 0" are recommended (the man page
actually says between 3/2 and 2).  a slider might want a little
more range than that, but not much.  and as with the pentablet
setting, there needs to be a way to re-init this at session
startup, and a way for the slider to learn the current value directly
from X (perhaps via xset, or perhaps more directly).

 paul fox, pgf at laptop.org

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