XO-1.5 bad ogg experience

Paul Fox pgf at laptop.org
Fri May 7 21:45:39 EDT 2010

[ no wonder i got so much done today.  my incoming email was broken.
it did seem awfully quiet... ]

daniel wrote:
 > The video does work absolutely great in the Jukebox activity. But...
 > ...it doesn't inhibit suspend, so the machine goes to sleep
 > during playback (should I file a bug?)

if the laptop is suspending, that means jukebox is using less
than 15% of the cpu during playback, which is impressive.  i just
tried jukebox with this sample from wikipedia:
and cpu utilization is more like 50%, and suspend is inhibited as
expected.  can you make one of your ogg samples available?  feel free
to attach it to a bug against powerd.

peter wrote:
 > Does powerd support inhibit? With the use of ACPI in the XO-1.5 is
 > there any reason we can't use upower?
i doubt it's ready, and i doubt it does what powerd does.  maybe

kushal wrote:
 > > Thirdly it doesn't inhibit suspend, so the machine goes to sleep
 > > during playback (should I file a bug?)
 > I will be really happy if someone can point me to some existing code
 > to see how to fix this, then I can include that also in next release.

well, i hope it won't be necessary, and that powerd's cpu utilization
heuristic will work well enough.  but if not, see:

there's python code for this in bitfrost, as used by olpc-update, and
also unused (unneeded) patches against the Distance activity attached to:

 paul fox, pgf at laptop.org

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