[Sugar-devel] Keep confusion -- round N+1

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Thu Jun 24 03:45:41 EDT 2010

On 06/24/2010 01:07 AM, Daniel Drake wrote:
> On 23 June 2010 15:49, Martin Langhoff<martin.langhoff at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Continuing on the tradition of "Keep confusion, yet again" thread
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-April/023440.html
>> I was yesterday in a conf call with the PerĂº team, who had been
>> working with teachers and were reporting a "keep" bug on F11/S0.84
>> images.
>> What was very clear was that both technical team and teachers were
>> confused about the keep button; and they were seeing a bug that
>> increased their confusion.
> Yep, I'm here in peru and they are facing the same confusion as i've
> seen all over the world.
> This button needs to go away.

Yes, same observation here in the Planetarium deployment. The kids think 
that the keep button means 'saving' and they get confused when I say 
that Sugar saves automatically. +1 too for removing it.

> Here in Peru they are modifying all of the 30 activities on the laptop
> to remove the Keep button. (with a little care for the ones where it
> has alternative functions such as Write -- thats why you can't just
> take it out of the activity class altogether)

Maybe those activities that do need those exports options can move them 
into another category/subtab. TurtleArt is a good example for solving that.


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