Alternative option for solving Fedora i686 vs geode problems

Jon Nettleton jon.nettleton at
Sat Jun 5 13:52:42 EDT 2010

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Jon Nettleton <jon.nettleton at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 8:48 PM, Daniel Drake <dsd at> wrote:
>> On 4 June 2010 21:48, Tiago Marques <tiagomnm at> wrote:
>>> If you're planning on doing a repository exclusively for the XO-1, Gentoo is
>>> simple to setup and, from what I read on this mailing list, thicks all your
>>> boxes:
>> I'm a Gentoo fan myself.
>> But you're talking about a whole new project here. Packaging all the
>> OLPC technologies and packages. Breaking many field-deployed
>> processes. etc.
>> The steps I outline above will (I believe) result in a usable OLPC OS
>> distro similar to what goes out to the field today.
>> To use any other OS, a lot more work is needed before you end up
>> something which can be used at scale.
> Will CentOS still be supporting the older architectures?  It was
> previously discussed on the mailing list that it may be easier to
> rebase a long term support release, especially for aging hardware, on
> a RHEL base and then just manage a repo for the specific packages that
> a SUGAR distro really needs.
> I can probably throw together a test CentOS image with updated
> gstreamer/xorg/olpc-kernel pretty quick.

Just checked the RHEL 6 beta and they are also only supporting i686 as
their x86 architecture.  That really doesn't help us then.


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