[Sugar-devel] UI experiments: pop-up menus and hot corners

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at bga.com
Tue Jul 6 16:00:47 EDT 2010

> Activity start-up times are significantly better than they used to be, so no specific bug
> that I'm aware of, was just hopeful of any opportunities to further improve performance

It's my impression that activity start-up times are affected by the
"size" (by that I mean "memory usage") of the activity.  If on the XO-1
I start up a large activity (e.g., Help, TamTamSynth, etc) for the first
time, it takes a number of seconds for me to see the activity's own
screen.  Smaller activities (e.g., Bounce, Arithmetic) seem to start
more quickly.


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