[Sugar-devel] UI experiments: pop-up menus and hot corners

James Zaki james.zaki at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 03:13:18 EDT 2010

Funny you should ask, I'm just getting my feet wet in module development in
fedora, and now looking to compile a hello.ko for the xo1.

I've got a few questions though, so I'll start a new post with questions
unless there are some notes on getting started? (eg setting up required
header files 'yum install kernel-devel' wasn't right, so perhaps I have to
effectively cross compile even on the xo ?)

Its been a long time coming, but I hope to actually do something useful this


2010/7/6 Bernie Innocenti <bernie at codewiz.org>

> On Mon, 2010-07-05 at 17:34 +0100, Gary Martin wrote:
> > Just showing the name under the pulsing icon might be a useful extra,
> > but ideally the launch time should be as short as possible so might
> > look odd briefly flashing up the text (the pulse animation is meant to
> > be a transition, just unfortunate that most startups are still more
> > than a second or three).
> Who would be interested in working on startup optimization?
> Besides Tomeu's ongoing work on PyGI, I think we could gain a lot by
> shaving off huge modules such as numpy and sharing pre-rendered svg
> icons in some memory-mappable cache file.
> --
>   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
>  \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/
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