New release of F11 for the XO-1 - Build11

rihoward1 at rihoward1 at
Sun Jan 17 22:05:57 EST 2010


The fix is not in build 11.
I am resending the contents of the email minus the observation about midori, (as mention of midori seems to make the boys want to play with the bike shed instead of concentrating on the important tasks).  ;)

"Some quick observations on  F11 for the XO-1 - Build11.

I have applied the "Virtual 1200 900" fix from and the screen rotate button now works in both Sugar an Gnome.

Sugar Desktop mode:
I found with this build if I turn off  the Radio from the control panel I can not get it to turn back on.  Also the wording is confusing. It is unclear whether have the check box checked or unchecked turns off the radio.

The Record activity did not open correctly. It would exit immediately, until I applied the "Virtual 1200 900" fix to Xorg.conf 
With the  "Virtual 1200 900" fix applied Record will now open and I can take a photo and record a video. 
The video is very pixelated in Low mode though, and in High mode and Best mode Record video seems to only produce a still with some sound. 
Record's audio only mode does not seem to record sound.

Gnome Desktop mode:
I can turn the radio back on through Net Work Manager in Gnome.  This is after the radio is turned off in sugar where I cannot then turn it back on.  So the work around is to go into gnome and turn the radio back on.
I have not tried any Gnome applications that use a camera to see if it now works in Gnome

rihoward1 at

linux - the best things in life are free

On Jan 17, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Sameer Verma wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Steven M. Parrish <smparrish at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 January 2010 01:43:54 John Gilmore wrote:
> > > Keyboard and mouse will not wakeup from sleep.  Can be fixed by disabling
> > > power management in Sugar.
> >
> > Is there any reason for cutting release after release that don't work
> > unless end users disable power management (sometimes twice!)?
> >
> > Surely if you can't fix the bugs, you could at least ship the release
> > with power management disabled by default, so it works out of the box.
> > Or, one step up from that, have it figure out which hardware it can
> > reliably suspend on, and only have it enable suspend by default on
> > that hardware.
> >
> >       John
> >
> Sorry it took a bit of time to respond but I've been on vacation and now am
> recovering from the flu.
> I released OS11 as a 1st build with the new buildsystem.  There are still some
> issues which need to be addressed but I wanted to get a new build with updated
> kernel etc out for testing.
> I did some local testing with powe rmanagement disabled by default and the
> issue persisted.  It only went away when I went into the control panel and
> manually enabled and then disabled power management.
> I truly wish I had the hours to devote to tracking down and fixing all these
> issues, however the $DAYJOB along with commute time keeps me away from home
> for 13 hours a day, and the $DAYJOB is not in the industry, where I could work
> on this on the side, but it does pay the bills.
> It is my hope to get the remaining issues addressed in short order so a final
> release can be made.  We do have a time constraint since F11 the base of our
> releases will go "End of Life" in June.
> I appreciate all the testing you and others are doing and would welcome any
> assistance in tracking down and exterminating these final few issues.
> Steven
> --
>  =====================================================
>  Steven M. Parrish
>  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  gpg fingerprint: 4B6C 8357 059E B7ED 8095 0FD6 1F4B EDA0 A9A6 13C0
> Nickname: SMParrish
> Channels: #fedora-kde, #fedora-olpc, #fedora-edu, #sugar, #packagekit
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> At OLPC-SF, we saw Robert Howard's XO with the F11 build (my guess is the previous build) and some patches he mentioned that get the camera working and the rotate button function as it is supposed to. Are those changes in this build?
> Sameer
> -- 
> Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor, Information Systems
> Director, Center for Business Solutions
> San Francisco State University
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