Problem building 2.6.35 kernels

Daniel Drake dsd at
Sat Dec 4 18:23:42 EST 2010

On 4 December 2010 19:46, Yioryos Asprobounitis <mavrothal at> wrote:
> Trying to build an XO-1.5 kernel in an F14 machine from the olpc-2.6.35 git sources, "make xo_1_5-kernel-rpm" fails because it requires dracut-modules-olpc >= 0.5.4.

So install it. It's a regular Fedora package.

> If you setup kernel-xo1.5.spec to build initramfs during %post on the host still fails because:
> Explicit file attributes required in spec for: kernel- and .../boot/actrd-

Probably a bug in the spec. But even if you did this you'd have to
install the equivalent dracut-modules-olpc version on the target XO.
Easiest to do it on the host.

> BTW, are the newer F14 2.6.35-olpc-kernel SRPMs posted somewhere?

I'll look into why they aren't appearing...


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