[support-gang] XoPhoto needs a few intrepid testing volunteers.

Mike Lee curiouslee at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 12:49:05 EDT 2010

Hi George,

I'm really excited about the release of this version of XoPhoto. The timing
is really great because I have been meeting with a local (to Washington,
D.C.) nature photographer who is adept at getting grants to deliver digital
photography experiences to at-risk youths. I will be setting up another
meeting with her to demo the activity. We still have around 20 XO-1 laptops
in our lending library that would be great to use in an outdoor photo
exercise with kids.


On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:29 PM, George Hunt <georgejhunt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've been working pretty regularly since April on an application to
> manipulate images found in the journal.  Probably the best description is at
> http://georgejhunt.com/olpc/xophoto/xophoto.html.
> I'd appreciate help in identifying and correcting my oversights, bugs,
> kludges. . .
> I believe that XoPhoto runs on Build 802 and Build 850.  There are some api
> problems with the pygame that comes with builds before 802 that I have not
> yet resolved.
> Feedback warmly solicited, and appreciated,
> Thanks
> George
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