SD card compatibility (was: Re: B3 with different RAM chips)

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-olpc-devel at
Wed Apr 21 05:09:57 EDT 2010

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 09:27:47PM -0400, John Watlington wrote:

> There a number of known issues.   First, the performance of the 
> external SD port on the XO-1
> was belatedly discovered to have a high bit-error rate. [...]
Is there a way to observe this from user space?

> On XO-1.5, we ran into similar issues.  I fixed it for most cards, but 
> there are notable exceptions.
> I was not able to eliminate the bit-error rate for any random card...
What did you do to make it work for those cards? Did it require hardware 
changes or might tweaking some registers help?

CU Sascha

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