Mistake changing seria number

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 14:17:44 EDT 2010

One of the XOs 1.5 here in La Rioja have the serial number with lower case
letters "SHC00500ad0", this machine can't be activated.
We tried to change the tag, but made a mistake and used "delete-tag" and not
"change-tag", and the machine has security enabled.
The machine doesn't have serial number now, and show "No serial number" so
we canĀ“t access OFW prompt.
We tried connecting the serial cable, but when we do:
ok add-tag SN SHC00500AD0
we have:
Restarting to enable SPI FLASH writing.  Try again after the system

Do we have any options, or have we broken the laptop?

Gonzalo Odiard
SugarLabs Argentina
La Rioja
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