soas63xo impressions
Mikus Grinbergs
mikus at
Tue Sep 15 20:37:15 EDT 2009
Disclaimer: I am not asking for help; I'm sharing my experiences.
Ran with soas63xo (booted from nand) on my XO-1. Many of the
difficulties with previous SoaS builds were still present.
My Settings -> Date&Time - as soon as (to move the selection off UTC
to my timezone) I pressed (cursor was on vertical scrollbar) the
left mouse button, sugar crashed. [Sugar also crashed when I
clicked in the horizontal scrollbar in Browse.]
Speak did not attempt to speak. [Note: The volume control in Frame
came up as 'Muted' - I think that's the wrong initial default.]
Record did not even launch.
Browse came up with its display window size significantly exceeding
the physical size of the XO screen.
'rpm -q kernel' shows *two* kernels applied to soas63xo.
One nice thing is that Frame now shows one icon (instead of two) for
setting up a local (under the tree) network.
One less nice thing for me is the new toolbar design, as exemplified
in Turtle_Art. It was nice to see the "Title" always in the toolbar
- to remind "what am I on this screen for". Now that the user needs
to hover (a particular spot) to see this reminder, Sugar seems less
*All* the builds-for-XO1 coming from are now
f12-based. As far as I know, the OLPC plan is to start shipping
XO-1.5 systems from the factory with f11-based software. I myself
don't believe many XO users intend to immediately replace the
(f11-based) software on their system with f12-based software (that
they currently have to install themselves). From the point of view
of users running an XO, the SugarLabs software is now on a "fork".
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