Emiliano Pastorino epastorino at plan.ceibal.edu.uy
Tue Nov 3 11:53:54 EST 2009

> There is a way to check the temperature under Linux.  It involves the
> "lmsensors" package, but I don't know the exact details.

Yes, that's what I've been using. The package is lm_sensors, if installed,
you just have to type "sensors" and you get the temperature in ºC.

I've already checked that temperature never goes beyond 100ºC, so it is

But how does it work? Is it just underclocking? I've checked /proc/cpuinfo,
but clock is always at ~1GHz

Ing. Emiliano Pastorino
LATU - Plan Ceibal
Av. Italia 6201 CP: 11500, Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel: (598 2) 601 5773 int.: 213
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