csound on Fedora 11/rawhide

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at bga.com
Tue May 12 12:58:26 EDT 2009

> I've just updated csound in F12/devel to csoound 5.10.1 and would like
> to get some testing (don't worry about the F12 designator its the same
> as F11) to see if everything works as expected for the OLPC stuff so
> when I push it into F11 and ultimately we can obsolete olpcsound.
> I understand that the sound on rawhide won't work. I was more wanting
> confirmation that things like TamTam (or whatever the Activities are
> that use csound) work and don't crash (well, work as well as can be
> expected with no sound..... so don't crash etc).

ok.  It's Activities you are asking about.  [Activities are at the 
bottom of my priority list.]  Since the latest rawhide-xo on which 
Sugar runs for me is 20090426, that's where I tested:

Speak runs with both old 'olpcsound' and with new 'csound'.  Am 
attaching (edited) log outputs from both cases.  [Also ran on both: 
Distance;  Words.]


Some Activities which make use of sound did *not* run (launch) with 
'olpcsound'.  I then removed olpcsound and installed csound (plus 
fltk).  Now the four TamTams, and Bounce, launched successfully.

By the way, it appeared to be a two-step process for me to stop an 
Activity using 'csound'.  First I clicked on the "stop sign" in the 
activity's header.  After waiting a bit, I intervened and clicked on 
'Stop' in the drop-down palette of the activity's icon in Frame.

   My opinion:  csound works on rawhide-xo.
                Of course, rawhide-xo sound itself does not yet work.


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