extend the memory flash space with an SD card to build open80211s

pgf at laptop.org pgf at laptop.org
Thu Mar 12 11:45:52 EDT 2009

rekik wrote:
 > Hi,
 > I tried to build the kernel open80211s on a group of machines which use
 > ubuntu 8.10 and it's work. Now I had to build it on an XO. The problem
 > is that I don't have enough space on my flash memory ( 1Go ). So, I had
 > to extend it with an SD card ( to have a space > 1024 Mo), but I
 > don't know the steps to make this solution and the minimum size of the
 > SD card..
 > can anyone help me !!!

it sounds like you're trying to do the build of open80211s on
the XO itself.  most people don't do development for the XO that way --
we build on another machine, and move the binaries onto the XO.

for simple programs, you can build on most any modern linux
distribution and your binary will work on the XO, because the
libraries and environment tend to be compatible.  (you could
perhaps build a static binary to be sure.)

the XO is based on fedora, so a fedora machine will be the best
build host.

 paul fox, pgf at laptop.org

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