What to expect from developers, are there any left? (was Re: rotate button sucks on the XO)

NoiseEHC NoiseEHC at freemail.hu
Mon Mar 2 12:39:52 EST 2009

Daniel Drake wrote:
> It is unlikely that you (as a user, rather than a deployment)
> reporting bugs to OLPC will result in another software release *direct
> from OLPC* (such as 8.2.2), because development of 8.2.x is mostly
> discontinued and will really only be driven by deployments.
> Have you read?
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Future_releases
> It may not answer all your questions but it is the most concrete
> documentation that I have seen so far.
I have already read that page and was aware of those issues. 
Unfortunately it does not answer my questions.
> In terms of reporting bugs, the process of "upstreaming" everything
> basically means that OLPC is no longer the distributor and that bugs
> should be reported directly to the people who are "more responsible"
> for the them.
My main problem is that knowing who is more responsible requires knowing 
linux more that I am comfortable with (I am a Windows developer). Here 
are just 3 examples to show my point:
1. Today I noticed that my simple program can crash the whole sugar 
desktop and the X server. Shall I report it to somewhere? I do not even 
know where to look for log files to attach to a bug report. Also if 
nobody will fix it (I cannot fix it that is sure...) then why should I 
care? Does it mean that if no deployment will bark that the desktop&X 
can be crashed then it will not be fixed ever?
2. I can reliably (100%) trigger the "cannot connect to WPA and the 
dialog asks for a password endlessly" bug but unfortunately I do not 
know how to debug that thing. To tell you the truth I do not even know 
where to look for the code of NetworkManager (somebody told that this 
can be the problem) and even if I knew it usually I cannot compile 
downloaded linux code for some arcane reason beyond my understanding. So 
for example in this situation what should I do? Is this NetworkManager 
part of some linux distro, or is it an XO thing? If it is part of 
fedora, who should I report bugs to?
3. Okay, I have forgot the third one... :)
Note that I am totally aware that these things are not your 
responsibility, I would just like to have some answers from somebody. If 
the solution is installing some distro then I will do it, the big 
question is that which one will be the official one?
> What would you do if you ran Ubuntu on your main computer but some of
> the buttons on your keyboard were not working correctly? You would
> file a bug with Ubuntu, who would hopefully either fix the problem on
> their own back, or help you to report the issue to the developers of
> the related package (which would likely be one of the X.org input
> components, in the case of keyboard troubles).
Frankly, if some of my buttons would not work in Ubuntu I would simply 
format the machine and install Windows. :)
> Work with the relevant upstream component. In this case, you are
> working on a sugar activity, so develop it as a platform-neutral
> activity at sugarlabs.org, and work with sugarlabs' standard processes
> of getting activities included in distributions.
This is not an activity in the strictest sense, it is more like a 
library which shows what the XO hardware can do in animation. After that 
probably I will use the lessons learned to optimize GCompris and PyGame 
because currently they look like Powerpoint presentations... So the 
whole point is to work fast on a physical XO hardware. Of course if 
somebody will tell me that the XO is a dead thing and OLPC will cease 
then I will reconsider wasting my time.

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