lid wakeups

Richard A. Smith richard at
Tue Jun 23 12:40:38 EDT 2009

Paul Fox wrote:

> thank you.  i was misled by the EC code that still looks at the
> (now-disconnected) lid signal, and by the (now-depopulated) connection
> to that gpio.
>  > in Gen 1.5 we expect the gpio wakeups to work correctly (which is 
>  > someting we need to test soon) and lid wakeups won't be so messy.

Mitch points out that he eventually did decipher why the io wakeups on 
the geodo IO pins were flaky and he got them working correctly in SMI 
for windows.  So it should be possible to make them work correctly on 

Richard Smith  <richard at>
One Laptop Per Child

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