Fwd: Default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 02:41:58 EDT 2009

Hi All,

This was just posted to the fedora-olpc list as a FYI. I suggest
posting any replies to that list so that the Fedora people see any


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul W. Frields <stickster at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 12:19 AM
Subject: Default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12
To: fedora-olpc-list at redhat.com

I thought this might be of interest to builders/developers here:


Of note: Proposed change for F12 would mean the CPU in the OLPC-1.0
hardware would explicitly not be supported beyond F11.  After talking
to a few folks, my understanding is this isn't a big surprise, but I
wanted to make sure we were explicitly calling it out for this group's
information and, if needed, input.

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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