new F11-for-XO1 images available for testing

Daniel Drake dsd at
Fri Jul 24 01:05:59 EDT 2009


I just built 2 images of F11-for-XO1 on OLPC infrastructure according
to my own instructions.

The first one is based on the backport that I built and tested before
(a few weeks ago), so it will probably work:

and the second one is updated with all of the recent changes that have
been happening in XO-1.5 software development, bringing the 2 trees in
sync at the present time

Neither have been tested since the internet connection here in Nepal
is very slow - I will download them over the weekend.
It would be great if anyone is interested in testing during that time
though. I would suggest starting with os2 and falling back on os1 if
it doesn't work.

I'm still looking for people to take on the role of making these
builds on a regular basis - for me, these builds are just a one-off
for now.

The usual cautions apply: this is development code, there will be
bugs. Installation instructions: use copy-nand to install osX.img with


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