is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

Ed McNierney ed at
Tue Jul 21 07:21:59 EDT 2009

Folks -

We've tried many times to make the very simple story about Windows  
support on the XO clear.  The conspiracy theorists don't really care.   
If you don't live in a fact-based universe, facts are irrelevant.   
Mitch is quite right, but we've said just about all of that before to  
little effect.  OLPCNews and Slashdot thrive on controversy, not  
accurate reporting.  I don't have much hope that we're going to say  
something now that makes the "OLPC has switched to Windows" crowd  
suddenly realize they're wrong.

Of course, Linux development is *far* more expensive for OLPC than  
Windows development is (and always has been), so if there were a way  
to convert all those Slashdot/OLPCNews typing fingers into volunteer  
coders it would be a nice improvement!

When we're finished clearing up the confusion about what OLPC is  
really doing (and has been doing for a long time), we can move on to  
proving that Apollo 11 really did land on the Moon, Barack Obama was  
indeed born in Hawaii, and Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

	- Ed

On Jul 21, 2009, at 5:50 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Martin Langhoff <martin.langhoff at 
> > wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Christoph
> Derndorfer<christoph.derndorfer at> wrote:
> > Maybe I missed it before but I'm really very surprised that this  
> is the
> > first time I'm hearing this angle of the story in such detail.  
> IMHO it would
> > have made a lot of sense for OLPC to say exactly what Mitch wrote  
> here when
> > the Microsoft s*** first hit the fan in May 2008.
> Ummm. ISTR public statements saying _exactly this_, though perhaps
> with less technical detail. Everyone was blinded by the "OMG MS!"
> effect that nobody actually applied neurons to the situation.
> These statements might have been made but very obviously OLPC and  
> the aligned community (incl. myself) didn't do all that great a job  
> of explaining what was really going on to the general public  
> otherwise we wouldn't be in a situation today were a lot of people  
> including many FLOSS enthusiasts still look at OLPC as having sold  
> out to Microsoft in May 2008.
> Around that time, I spoke in various public events and relayed exactly
> that message. Some people understood the intent.
> That you don't know doesn't mean it hasn't been discussed...
> Hence why I wrote "Maybe I missed it..." ;-)
> Anyway, crying over split milk doesn't really move us forward. Let's  
> learn our lessons for the future and get back to work.
> Christoph
> -- 
> Christoph Derndorfer
> co-editor, olpcnews
> url:
> e-mail: christoph at
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