is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

Bastien bastienguerry at
Tue Jul 21 04:01:58 EDT 2009

Carlos Nazareno <object404 at> writes:

> The thing is, most of the people on Slashdot (aka the Internet
> Geek/Nerd Community) who post about OLPC topics know nothing about
> what's going on as they just get their info from 3rd-hand sources and
> haven't even touched an XO.

That's my point.  We can fix this issue by raising an army of small
hands that will vote on your (correct) slashdot comment, spread the
correct vision, etc.  Or we can hope that OLPC will fix this issue by
taking care of what people imagine and try to deliver strong messages
on what's really going on.

The first "fix" isn't worth the energy - because of course, everyone
claims to know about what's really going on.

The second fix would be the best one, but OLPC is in a position where
any advice coming from the community is not heard.  Maybe there are too
many of them.  Or maybe OLPC turned a bit paranoïd about the community.

> Since we know a little bit more, it would be very informative to the
> world at large to set the story straight at these forums.

Yes.  But what would be the information?

  "OLPC supports both the use of free and proprietary softwares on its

Nothing really new, and nothing that prevents nerds from taking it in
the wrong sense.


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