creating your own templates in write activity

Manusheel Gupta manu at
Thu Jul 16 13:18:54 EDT 2009


Hope all is well.

We have been working on developing a template builder tool in write
activity, and wish to have your pointers on certain features-

1. Text box - We realize that the text box tool is missing in the current
write activity, and wish to develop it. We looked at abiwidget.h file
closely, and it seems to us that there
     is no method (function) provided to add textboxes. We investigated
deeper into the details, and arrived at an approach to develop the text box

       a. Create a textbox class on the lines of tablecreator class-  It
seems that we need to work on 4 files:

            1. OXML_Element_TextBox.cpp
            2. OXML_Element_TextBox.h
            3. OXMLi_ListenerState_TextBox.cpp
            4. OXMLi_ListenerState_TextBox.h

      b. Use invoke_cmd method to insert Textbox.
          We are not very clear on what all arguments can be passed in this
method, and their usage. Could you please direct us to a resource, which
could be helpful in
          understanding this.

We also wish to ask you about the details of the code, which is used to
enable menu selections in the advanced abiword activity.

Thank you.

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