[ANNOUNCE] Sucrose 0.84 Release Candidate 2 (0.83.6)

david at lang.hm david at lang.hm
Mon Feb 23 17:08:50 EST 2009

On Mon, 23 Feb 2009, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> david at lang.hm wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 Feb 2009, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>>> Dear Sugar Community,
>>> this is Release Candidate 2 for the upcoming 0.84 Release - see the [1]
>>> for more details. Only one more week to go in this release cycle. Please
>>> test this release and report all the bugs you find that we are able to
>>> fix them in time. A friendly BugSquad [2] will be available to triage
>>> those bugs accordingly and the developers can never have enough bug
>>> food. If you have non-bug feedback about features you can use the
>>> sugar-devel mailing list to share it with us.
>>> From a user point of view we want to highlight the following changes
>>> that have been made:
>>> === Resume by Default ===
>>> Resume by default is now the way we handle activity startup. The option
>>> in the Favourites View palette has been removed completely. You can
>>> still start a new instance using the 'Start' option in the Activity 
>>> palette.
>>> === View Source ===
>>> There has been some refinements to the View Source dialog. You can
>>> access it from the Activity palette in the Frame or by using
>>> 'Shift+Alt+V' directly.
>> not by Fn+space? (as marked on the keyboard)
> Which keyboard? Sugar does not only run on XO hardware.

ok, but on the XO hardware is should use the key combination that's marked 
for it. is that the same as shift+alt+V?

David Lang

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