Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at
Wed Feb 4 14:36:48 EST 2009

Hi All,

I wanted to put it to the lists and get some feedback, with the plans
on basing the 9.1.0 release on Fedora 11 I think we need to have a
testing stream based on rawhide so that we can start testing core OS
related bits and dealing with them sooner rather than later.

My thoughts are that we should setup a new stream
(joyhide/rawjoy/rawride?? ) at least initially which would give the OS
people something to test and play with while giving Activity and sugar
developers the option of either a more stable platform for developing
and/or the bleading edge. With the F-11 alpha release out in the next
couple of days rawhide should start (or maybe not) to stabilise so it
might be a good time to start. Most of the major stuff that will
affect OLPC (read python 2.6) is already in. There's a few other bits
that will come but should have minimal impact.

I'm quite happy to step up and sort out the build and poke repos and
the like if people are happy to give me access to pilgrim and
associated bits to get this moving. I have a reasonable amount of time
next week that I can dedicate to getting this moving as well so I
thought I'd poke now so as to get things moving if its decided to be a
reasonable proposal.



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