OLPC upgrades

S Page info at skierpage.com
Tue Feb 3 15:42:32 EST 2009

Nirbheek Chauhan wrote:
> Since you're looking at making a gentoo-based sugar distro, you might
> find http://gitorious.org/projects/sugar-gentoo useful :)

Please update http://sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Gentoo , 
which lists a similar overlay project 
<http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/sugar.git> by Aleksey 
Lim.  Maybe you could mention differences or work together.

> -- 
> Sent from my mobile device
... with its patented "top-post and include the entire message thread 
with no changes so every reader must scroll through it to see if you 
made other comments" UI  8-/

=S Page

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