Wanted: List of Sugar activities for the XO-1.5

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Sun Dec 6 17:34:21 EST 2009


   > /home/olpc/Activities/OOo4Kids.activity/resources/program/soffice.

Missed that, sorry.  Yes, it's very easy to add such a launcher to GNOME.

So, I think we're coming back to the same question on whether we should
add this to the build -- could we get a single activity bundle with
both English and Spanish, and still not use much more than 100M?

If we had such an activity, I think we would want to ship it in the
release, but I'm not sure that we should ship an English-only version;
perhaps better to just let deployments pick the version with the
language they want when customizing their build, in that case.
What do other folks think?

(Eric, sorry we haven't been helping with this.  We appreciate your

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>
One Laptop Per Child

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