Getting a gtk.image from the get_preview function

sumit singh sumit.coder at
Thu Aug 6 11:05:04 EDT 2009


Moreover, is it possible to use a hippocanvas surface as a button
image or something like a button or a normal image even, I mean can I
pack a hippocanvas in a vbox or hbox? Sorry, for asking such a basic
question but I don't have any idea about hippocanvas.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:28 PM, sumit singh<sumit.coder at> wrote:
> Hi Tomeu,
> Thanx for your reply. I tried this as well, but doesn't seems to work.
> Here is my code--  , where get_preview2()
> is similar to get_preview fn and it returns in a similar manner. This
> is the get preview2 fn---
> . The log error can be found at --- . Kindly
> give your suggestions.
> Regards,

> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Tomeu Vizoso<tomeu at> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 13:05, sumit singh<sumit.coder at> wrote:
>>> Hi Tomeu,
>>> Thanx for your reply. I tried using the it , but it doesn't seem to
>>> work, it gives an error that the image should be a gdkpixbuf or None.
>>> Here is my code-  , isn't it so that while
>>> creating the pixmap on line no15, we are just using the height and
>>> width of the surface and not the surface anywhere. I mean how are we
>>> transferring the data of the image to the pixmap.
>>> Thinking this I also tried this approach but didn't worked----
>>> .
>>> Kindly have a look as in where am I doing the mistake.
>> Have written some code based on my earlier pointers, but haven't tested it:
>> # wrap the png data in a "virtual file"
>> import StringIO.StringIO
>> png_file = StringIO.StringIO(preview_data)
>> # create a cairo surface with the png data
>> surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(png_file)
>> # create a pixmap with the same dimensions
>> w, h = surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()
>> pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap (None, w, h, 24)
>> # create a cairo graphics context dor drawing into the pixmap
>> cr = pixmap.cairo_create ()
>> # paint the surface to the graphics context
>> cr.set_source_surface (surface, 0, 0)
>> cr.paint ()
>> # create an image widget and assign the pixmap to it
>> im = gtk.Image()
>> im.set_from_pixmap(pixmap, None)
>> You may want to read a bit about pixmaps, pixbufs, etc. Both in the
>> PyGtk and X11 documentation:
>> HTH,
>> Tomeu
>>> Regards,
>>> sumit
>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Tomeu Vizoso<tomeu at> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 03:06, sumit singh<sumit.coder at> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I would like to ask what is the best way to get a gtk.Image from the
>>>>> data returned by get_preview function of activity.Activity fn of
>>>>> sugar. I want to make an image buttton using this data. Currently, I
>>>>> am doing it by saving the data in a temp file using the tempfile
>>>>> module of sugar and then by loading the image from this file, however,
>>>>> as I will be req to load around 15-20 such images, I can't say how
>>>>> fast the process will end into. Is there a faster method?
>>>>> For your reference , here is the code of how the journal activity uses
>>>>> this data---- , but as I don't want to use
>>>>> hippo canvas, so this method won't work. Kindly give your suggestions.
>>>> Sorry, didn't remembered that the journal used hippo to display the
>>>> previews when I recommended you to look at that.
>>>> If you get a cairo surface like the journal does, you can draw it to a
>>>> pixmap and then tell a gtk.Image to display it. More details in this
>>>> post (disregard the pixbuf stuff):
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Tomeu
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> sumit

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