Rainbow, olpc-update, and olpcrd.

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 05:23:41 EDT 2009

> Peter,
> Your remark does not contain any specific questions so it's a little
> hard for me to give you a coherent update. Instead, I'll make some
> general remarks in the hope that they will elicit further questions.

Sorry, there were no real questions, but its more about the status of
where it stands within Fedora rawhide. The current understanding is
what's documented at this link. If you have more to provide that would
be great (I was already aware of rainbow and the PID changes but
didn't put details in as I don't know alot about early boot


> 1. As has been recently pointed out, Rainbow is not currently in use
> on any Sugar platform later than sugar-*-0.84 (i.e. OLPC's 8.2.*).
> However, some have wondered whether it might make a reappearance in
> sugar-*-0.86. To speed this outcome, I have prepared new versions of
> rainbow (0.8.*) which are easy to install and test on many different
> platforms. See

I presume you mean later than 0.8.2?

>  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Rainbow
> for current status information.
>  (I await further rainbow-0.8.* questions, comments, concerns, and
>  test results with particular interest.)

I believe the major concerns around about the changes to init to run
it as PID 1 and what changes can be made for Fedora mainline
acceptance. I have no idea about the pros and cons of this hence the
generic query.

> 2. There is little change in the state of olpcrd and olpc-update.
> Daniel Drake did some nice work in February to make the toolchain
> support OFW-hosted key overlays and, so far as I know, is happily
> serving Paraguay-signed leases and software updates over Paraguay's
> test schools' wifi network.
>  (Dan -- could you please update
>  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Security
>  with links to a description of how you've deployed these
>  technologies?)
>  (Peter -- Did you have some specific question about the technology or
>  about its inclusion [or lack thereof] in Fedora?)

About its inclusion in Fedora.


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