idea for running out of RAM

Hal Murray hmurray at
Tue Sep 30 01:53:20 EDT 2008

> I think a memory usage pie graph is beyond excellent. I'm not so sure
> it should show current usage though. 

I'm assuming that each activity gets allocated a chunk of the pie 
corresponding to how much memory it asks for.

How about using part of the circle to show the fraction of memory allocated 
but not used yet?  Say by using the circle from 1-inch dia to 1.25 inch dia.

I can think of two ways to do this.

One would adjust the shading in each activities portion of the circle.  White 
for not used and black for used.  (Red for over allocation?)

The other would be to use the applications chunk of the circle as a pie 
shaped bar graph.  The black section would show what % of the allocated 
memory was currently in use.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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