simple datastore replacement, take two

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at
Sat Sep 27 03:23:05 EDT 2008

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 11:27 PM, NoiseEHC <NoiseEHC at> wrote:
>>> The Datastore can then provide two accessor functions:
>>> get_by_value(key) and get_by_reference(key).  get_by_value() returns the
>>> contents of the file as a bytestring in memory.  get_by_reference()
>>> returns the path to the metadata file, or another path linked (soft or
>>> hard) to that file.  This provides all the needed functionality for large
>>> and small metadata entries.
>> That sounds interesting. I guess that with a POSIX-like API
>> implemented with FUSE we would get equivalent fucntionality?
> What is the plan on Windows compatibility of Sugar? I mean, is there a
> version planned which can run on Windows? I ask this because if there is a
> plan like this then probably you should forget everything FUSE related since
> it will be impossible to implement that on Windows as I barked about here
> (there is a lot of inlined text in the message):

I don't know of any effort (planned or ongoing) to port Sugar to
Windows, but if anyone is interested, can make here his/her API
proposals and we can try to find a common solution.



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