Another pass through some basic Activity test results

Gary C Martin gary at
Thu Sep 25 18:10:14 EDT 2008

Here's a set of basic Activity test results for build 8.2-763, hope  
the ASCI art doesn't get too mangled by the list server (need to view  
with a fixed width font). The Activities are in no specific order, and  
sorry if I missed out yours, but I wanted to post today incase it  
helps with looming/ongoing release decisions.

I do want to note something I think is new in 8.2-763 since my  
previous tests, 5 times during the run through below the XO became  
extremely sluggish, initially I just thought it was the poorly  
performing Activity, but checking top in 4 cases I could the sugar  
shell process eating 30-50% of CPU but apparently doing nothing (was  
not connected to a jabber server), and in the other case I had 2  
rainbow processes eating up 45% cpu each (though the Sugar UI showed  
no Activity instances were running). I am now retesting to try and  
catch the bad behaviour as it happens. Just wanted to warn testers to  
keep an eye on top, if things feel slow, you might have a hung-up  
process burning cycles and need to ctrl-alt-escape.

build 8.2-763   Activity name
                 | Could start
. = success     | | Could stop (all must work ctrl-q alt-esc, toolbar,  
- = N/A         | | | Sound
x = fail        | | | | Journal entry
? = unknown     | | | | | Useful resume
* = see note    | | | | | | Picks-up Journal entry name change while  
                 | | | | | | | Names Frame palette to match the  
resumed title
                 | | | | | | | | License entry in
                 | | | | | | | | | Using bundle_id in
                 | | | | | | | | | |
                 | | | | | | | | | |
         Browse-98 . . . . . x x . x
           Words-3 . . . . x x . x . Could keep a history of words  
searched for
           Chat-47 . . - . . x x . . Some subtle sound for arival and  
                                     would be very useful.
         Firefox-6 . . - x x x x x x Sugar icon times out, left with  
grey circle
                                     in the Frame activity instance  
            Log-14 . . - . x x x . x
        Scratch-11 . . . x x x x * x Missing bundle_id, and  
license .info entry
                                     is some text that points to some  
          Bounce-6 . . * . . x x x * No sound, not sure if that's a  
bug or is as
                                     intended. Incorrect bundle_id  
          Bridge-2 . . x . x x x . .
            Moon-6 . . - . . x x . .
    News Reader-24 . . - . x x . x x Feeds not remembered between  
         Record-58 . . . . . x . . x
         Implode-5 . . - . . x . . x
          EToys-94 . . . . . . x . x Frame palette name is a rather  
                                     string "/usr/share/etoys/ 
         Colors!-4 . x - . . x x x x Needs to resume showing painting  
end state,
                                     not blank page at time zero.  
Toolbar stop
                                     and ctrl-q fail to stop activity,  
                                     alt-esc and Frame instance  
palette work.
           Speak-9 . . . . . x x . .
          Paint-23 . . - . . x . . x Some other tools could use cursor  
event fix.
          PlayGo-4 . . - . . x . . x Would be good if gnugo was  
included in .xo
             x2o-5 . . - . . x x x x Main activity tool bar too full,  
keep and
                                     stop icons end up in a hidden  
mini menu.
           Read-52 . . - . . x . . x Should default to setting input  
focus on the
                                     document, not in the toolbar.
         Geoquiz-3 . . - . x x x x x Would be nice if you could resume  
from where
                                     you last left off. Needs a  
winning screen
                                     with best times (auto quits  
      TurtleArt-10 . . - . . x . . x
       Memorize-28 . . . . * x . . x Game state is not saved to  
Journal, but can
                                     create custom tile sets and save  
                                     to Journal.
          Xo IRC-4 . . - . x x x x x Perhaps remember open room tabs  
in Journal
                                     state, nickname and IRC logs as  
         Analyze-5 . . - . x x x x x
       StarChart-4 . . - . . x x x x
           Model-8 . . - . * x . x . Stores incomplete diagram state  
to Journal.
       Terminal-18 . . - . x x x . x
TamTamSynthLab-51 . . . . . x x . .
     TamTamMini-49 . . . . x x x . . Resuming does not restore the  
setting you
                                     were using during the previous  
      TamTamJam-51 . . . . . x x . .
     TamTamEdit-50 . . . . . x . . .
          Pippy-27 . . . . . X . . . Easy to accidently wipe all your  
code by
                                     clicking on example code, no  
warning given.
        Measure-20 . . - . x x x . x Doesn't sleep when Activity is in  
                                     background (eats 75% cpu). Can't  
seem to
                                     record anything. Keep error when  
          Write-60 . . - . . x . . x
       Distance-14 . . ? . ? x . . x Could not fully test with a singe  
      Calculate-24 . . - . . x . . .
         Physics-1 . x - . x x x x x Physics constructions not saved.
            Maze-6 . . - . x x x . . Nice if maze could be resumed and
                                     complexity level stick. Perhaps  
show 'best
                                     time for this level' across  
games? Can't
                                     edit Activity name.
    Kuku Anakula-1 x ? ? ? ? ? ? x x Broken, using old PyGame API
           Ruler-3 . . - . x x . . x First screen looks half broken to  
me, one
                                     good ruler, then some random bits  
            Help-8 . . - . x x . . x Should remember last help page on  
       StopWatch-1 . . - . . x . x x
            Jump-1 . . ? . x x x x x Can't edit Activity name. Game  
state not
                                     saved to Journal.
         License-4 . . - . x x x x x Buggy still. Forces you through  
comic each
                                     time you access it to check a  
       Develope-35 . . - x x x x x . Tried to create a new Activity  
couldn't do
                                     much at all other than click  
through a few
                                     dialogues, and get 'Keep errors'.  
                                     to Open but couldn't view or edit  
any files.
                                     Locks up each time after 2nd use,  
                                     an alt-ctrl-delete to restart  
               X-1 * * ? x x x x x . Fails to start again if you  
exited the last
                                     session with Sugar (alt-esc or  
Frame stop).
         ucblogo-4 . . - x x x x x x Can save and load new words you  
create but
                                     not part of Journal UI yet.
           Frotz-3 . . - . x x x . . Can save/restore in game but not  
part of
                                     Journal UI.


P.S. I love the irony that the CC License Activity is missing a valid  
licence entry in ;-b
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