idea for running out of RAM

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at
Tue Sep 23 14:34:37 EDT 2008

At Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:57:36 -0700,
Deepak Saxena wrote:
> On Sep 23 2008, at 03:40, Albert Cahalan was caught saying:
> > Determining the RAM requirement for an activity goes something like
> > the following:
> > 
> > awk '/Dirty/{x+=$2} END{print x}' < /proc/12345/smaps
> > 
> > (after exercising all functionality)
> I like the idea overall but this part worries me. An activity such
> as etoys has a lot of functionality.

  For Etoys, the memory usage grows only when you load a project or
instanciate widgets (give or take, when you display a compressed
bitmap, it expands automatically and eats more memory, etc.).  So,
about it will be 30MB and it will stay flat whatever you do.  We can
reduce the base size, if that is the priority.

-- Yoshiki

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