[sugar] frame gets in the way when alt-tabbing

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Tue Sep 23 10:21:04 EDT 2008

On 23 Sep 2008, at 15:08, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> Am 23.09.2008 um 06:21 schrieb Erik Garrison:
>> Both Joyride and 8.2 streams have composition enabled by default.
>> You can test composition by running "xcompmgr -d :0.0" in the
>> terminal.
> It is available, but the window manager does not use it, afaik.
> - Bert -

Not that I could find the "xcompmgr" command anyway, but if you run  
"matchbox-window-manager -?" it lists its compile time options, and  
there is a definite "composite support      no" line in there.


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