Ideas for Journal: How epiphany browser manages bookmarks just with tags

Chris Ball cjb at
Sat Sep 20 13:46:22 EDT 2008


   > [..]
   > I hope to implement experiments (as described in the wiki page
   > cited above) to start getting real life experience with these
   > tradeoffs. 

Awesome.  We should try to get the GNOME people interested in rethinking
this¹ involved as soon as we feel competent to talk about what the best
thing to do is -- if we can get just a few GNOME hackers working on
this, progress is going to happen extremely quickly and we'll end up
with a shared implementation with the desktop, etc.

The Boston GNOME Summit is October 11-13, so that'd be a great place
to get people together and give a talk, I think?

- Chris.

Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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