G1G1v2 Activities

C. Scott Ananian cscott at cscott.net
Fri Sep 19 17:50:42 EDT 2008

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 10:01 PM, Gary C Martin <gary at garycmartin.com> wrote:
> However, any hints would be much appreciated as to what this last
> remaining setup.py WARNING is trying to tell me?
>        WARNING:root:bundle_name deprecated, now comes from activity.info
> I've not had much luck tracking it down, and I make no reference to
> bundle_name in my code.

When you call BundleBuilder in setup.py, don't pass in a string in the
constructor, leave it empty.  It interprets the argument as a
'bundle_name' and is complaining that it's going to ignore what you
passed in and use the name specified in activity.info instead.

Yes, it took me a *long* time to finally realize this.

 ( http://cscott.net/ )

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