G1G1v2 Activities

Douglas Bagnall douglas at paradise.net.nz
Thu Sep 18 19:13:43 EDT 2008

Greg Smith wrote:

> What do you think are the most important activities to include?

If we're sticking to activities with valid activity.info files, then
(AFAICT) we're limited to:

XaoS                 - org.codewiz.XaoS
Sokoban              - de.hpi.swa.Sokoban
Pipes                - de.hpi.swa.Pipes
Bounce               - bounce
Chat                 - org.laptop.Chat
DrGeoII              - org.ofset.DrGeoII
Breakout             - de.hpi.swa.Breakout
Funtowers            - de.hpi.swa.Funtowers
DiceWars             - de.hpi.swa.DiceWars
X activity           - org.laptop.wiki.XActivity
StackAttack          - de.hpi.swa.StackAttack
Joke Machine         - org.worldwideworkshop.JokeMachineActivity
Sokobaenle           - de.hpi.swa.Sokobaenle
BlockAttack          - de.hpi.swa.BlockAttack
Abalone              - de.hpi.swa.Abalone
SameGame             - de.hpi.swa.SameGame

Not that it really matters, of course.

Most activities fail by having no bundle_id, and only 36/115 have
host_version.  Good on whoever does the swa.hpi.de games.


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