[sugar] Supporting desktop applications, extending the EWMH spec

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Sep 18 17:34:31 EDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:

|> However, though we do not always show frames (or panels), there are
|> some environments which show at least a single panel all the time (eg:
|> Ubuntu Netbook Remix). In those cases, fullscreen might mean that
|> frame may have to be covered as well. Who knows, maybe in the future
|> sugar may also decide to show a single frame permanently on the
|> screen.

This is an interesting problem, but it is not relevant for Sugar at this
time.  I think a discussion with the Ubuntu developers would be wonderful,
but since we do not have such a semi-permanent bar in Sugar, we can
implement all our desired behaviors using simply the existing EWMH.

| I'm not even sure why it works with the current frame... The wm is
| supposed fullscreen windows on the top of docks:
| http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-1.3.html#STACKINGORDER

For usability/security reasons, the Frame must always be on top,
regardless of what hints an Activity sets on its windows, so we cannot
follow this recommended stacking order.  The window manager will have to
enforce the ordering, eventually in conjunction with a real X security

| Another point is that Sugar activities would have to be modified to
| run correctly on a normal desktop (or we would have to come up with
| some logic to set the fullscreen hint conditionally).

Running Sugar Activities in a standard desktop environment is something
that we have not discussed enough.  It's important to remember that
Activities (e.g. Write) require Sugar's UI to load files, save files, join
shared instances, monitor current sharing partners, etc.  Activities will
never run on a bare desktop; they will always require a launcher shell,
even if it is much less comprehensive than a full Sugar shell.  This shell
can also be responsible for setting window hints appropriately, or for
providing Activities with enough information about the environment for
them to set appropriate window hints.

In summary, I believe we can safely move to a lightly patched Metacity
while tagging our windows purely according to the EWMH.

- --Ben
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