[sugar] wireless lights

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at bga.com
Tue Sep 9 16:43:04 EDT 2008

> mikus wrote:
>  > > What would a concise and accurate definition of the wireless lights
>  > > (for 8.2) be?
>  >
>  > To ordinary users, they are  'Meaningless eye candy'.
>  >
>  > They appear to not be 100% reliable if lit.
>  >
>  > They certainly are meaningless when blinking.
>  >
>  > They even appear to not be 100% reliable if not lit.
> mikus -- i think brian was looking for something that
> would fit on the picture, as a label.  can you be
> more succinct?  ;-)

I really don't have a suggestion.  The only succinct one I can think 
of is 'TBD'.  Would kids understand that?

I believe the original intent was to show "connected" with the left 
one, and "in use" with the right one.  Though the capability is 
there, correct invoking of those indicators appears not to be there.

My suggestion for 9.x developers would be to use the left one to say 
"connected to the internet", and to blink the right one when traffic 
is active.  [The Frame will show users if mesh is connected.]

[I think there is *someone* who knows what "rapid blinking" means, 
but since I've seen "rapid blinking" when the XO had a SOLID 
connection, and seen "rapid blinking" when the XO had NO connection, 
I don't think "rapid blinking" can be easily defined.]


p.s.  This discussion reminds me that many desktop systems have a 
"disk is busy" light.  On the XO, it really is not possible (except 
for a few Activities which change the pointer shape) to tell if the 
XO is still doing what it had last been told, or if it's gone idle.

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