Stability and Memory Pressure in 8.2

Martin Dengler martin at
Tue Sep 9 08:23:40 EDT 2008

On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 12:10:53AM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> Dear devel@,
> Kim, Greg, and I have concluded that the instability we experience under
> memory-pressure in 8.2-759 and similar is the single "hard" issue that
> we wish to _attempt_ to address before releasing 8.2 on current
> timeframes.
>   * We ought to ponder whether there are any additional "dirty hacks" we
>     can experiment with in order to reduce memory consumption; for
>     example, running the Shell and Journal (and DS?) in one process or
>     making use of the compressed-caching code published on this list some
>     months ago.

Compcache has been working well enough for me for the last six months
to suggest that wider testing wouldn't be a disaster.

-bash-3.2# cat /boot/olpc_build
joyride 2399

-bash-3.2# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers    cached
Mem:        235716     230356       5360          0       1628    65448
-/+ buffers/cache:     163280      72436
Swap:        58924       2736      56188

-bash-3.2# swapon -s
Filename                                Type            Size    Used Priority
/dev/ramzswap0                          partition       58924   2736 100

The trac ticket is

> Regards,
> Michael

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