Browse 96 failures (Re: How did the testing go on 8.2-757?)

S Page info at
Thu Sep 4 19:26:38 EDT 2008

Robert Myers wrote:

> Downloaded the g1g1 activity pack. I know that some stuff there is out
> of date, but given what happened next I didn't get much further.
> Browse doesn't work (no hulahop?) so it was hard to do much without
> running back and forth to a working computer.

Browse 95 on 8.2-757 was working reasonably well for me.  Today I ran 
Software update and now Browse version 96 won't start:
   AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_app_version'

BTW, now the org.laptop.WebActivity log has a bunch of escape sequences 
in it to colorize.  They work with `cat`, but vi and less don't like them.

I was running Browse during Software Update. I hope running an activity 
while Software Update upgrades it is supported!

I'm updating to 8.2-759...

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