browse and x11 performance

Jordan Crouse jordan.crouse at
Wed Sep 3 22:32:46 EDT 2008

On 03/09/08 20:20 -0400, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
> | No - we don't support alpha hardware cursors at all.
> Who's "we"?  According to my recollection, the Geode LX docs indicate that
> the GPU supports one accelerated 48x48  sprite with 8-bit alpha for the
> cursor.  Did we all misread the doc? Is the doc wrong? Is the feature
> missing in the driver? What about the Windows driver?

Oops - I sliped into GX mode there for a while.  Yes, the GPU does
handle an 8:8:8:8 cursor, but the driver doesn't.   I'm not sure what
the Windows driver does.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

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