[Health] VideoChat is working now - hooray!

Pia Waugh greebo at pipka.org
Tue Oct 14 17:36:32 EDT 2008

Hi all,

<quote who="Martin Langhoff">

> exactly. There's a lot of fun to be had, and a lot to learn with this.
> Might be useful in some cases (perhaps growing number of cases, if
> connectivity improves over time) and more things become viable.
> For health purposes, it will probably not be useful, except for a tiny
> % of cases. If people want health tools, that's a different project.
> Let's refocus that camera on collaboration and education.

The Videochat app will largely be used for counselling, speech pathology,
and generally for remote support to students in regions where they don't
have easy access to any of the above. Obviously they'll also have fun with
it, and we are looking at connecting up classrooms of children to do
cultural exchanges and learning. I believe it will play a basic eHealth role
in future where children/adults can communicate with health professionals
for basic remote health service, which, although would require very high res
for anything particualrly complicated, would  be better than what some of
these communities currently have.


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                      "What are we doing today brain?"
              "We're taking over the world like we always do."
                           - Pinky and the Brain

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